Your last family dinner was frustrating. It wasn’t because your family was having a tough time getting along. The issue was the noise, which was making it difficult to hear anything. So you didn’t get the details about Nancy’s promotion, and you didn’t have a chance to ask about Jay’s new puppy. It was irritating. Mostly, you blame the acoustics. But you’re also willing to accept that your hearing could be starting to wane.
It can be very challenging to self-diagnose hearing loss (that’s why, generally, it’s not recommended). But there are a few early warning signs you should keep your eye on. When enough of these red flags spring up, it’s worth making an appointment to get checked by a hearing professional.
Hearing Loss Has Some Early Warning Signs
Not every sign and symptom of hearing loss is evident. But if you happen to find your own experiences reflected in any of the items on the following list, you just may be dealing with some level of hearing loss.
Some of the most prevalent early signs of hearing impairment might include:
- You have a tough time hearing conversations in a crowded or noisy place. In the “family dinner” example above, this specific thing happened and it’s certainly an early warning sign.
- Someone makes you aware that you keep turning up the volume on your media. Perhaps you keep turning the volume up on your mobile device. Or perhaps your TV speakers are maxed out. Typically, it’s a friend, neighbor, or a member of your family that makes you recognize the escalating volumes.
- There’s a ringing in your ears: This ringing, which can also be the sound of screeching, thumping, buzzing, or other noises, is technically known as tinnitus. Tinnitus is often an early warning sign of hearing loss, but not always so if you have a ringing in your ears, a hearing exam is most likely in order.
Next Up: Take a Examination
You still can’t be certain whether you’re dealing with hearing loss even if you are encountering some of these early warning signs. You will need to get a hearing test to know for sure.
Generally speaking, even one of these early warning signs could be evidence that you’re developing some type of hearing loss. What level of hearing impairment you may be dealing with can only be determined with a hearing test. Then it will become more evident what needs to be done about it.
This means your next family gathering can be a lot more enjoyable.